What would make Charlottesville a better place to live?

What would make Charlottesville a better place to live?

This fall, WTJU is asking this core civic question through artistic expression and people’s voices.

Currently on display in the Odd Little Museum:

Recent UVA Studio Art graduates Kim Salac and Stephanie DeHart have created an immersive exhibition focused on home and Charlottesville history. 

Coming soon:

  • Ramona Martinez & Sri Kodakalla from Feminist Union of Charlottesville Creatives (opens Sept 30)

  • Artists from The Bridge Progresssive Arts Initiative (opens Oct 28)

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Province Song
Kim Salac

Karaoke remains a staple in the Filipino household. From family reunions to big celebrations, the pastime becomes a means of defining and celebrating the home. Encoding themes of home and homeland into karaoke’s very visual language, I seek to flesh out Fernando’s story, a Charlottesville native, and owner of a local, burgeoning Filipino restaurant, as he ponders where exactly is home for him. By placing the viewer at the other end of the mic, Province Song invites visitors to participate in his journey and physically filter through Fernando’s scattered, and fractured memories, all while unearthing a hidden Charlottesville history, alive and well on a small street called Manila.

“The University really does affect the community

and that’s something that we need to pay attention to.”

What do you think

would make Charlottesville

a better place to live?

Method 1 (Smartphone):

On your smartphone, open an audio recording app (Voice Memos on iPhone; Recorder or Voice Recorder on Android). Hit record.

State your name and occupation or affiliation. Then respond to some or all of these prompt questions:
  • What brought you to Charlottesville?
  • Why do you live here?
  • What’s the best part of living here?
  • What’s the hardest part about living here?
  • If you could wave a wand and change one thing about our community, what would it be?
  • What would make this place better for you and people you know?
  • Imagine Charlottesville as the best community it could be. What does that look like?
  • How could we get there?

Hit stop on the recording.

Email the file to dreamingcville@virginia.edu. Also send us a headshot photo of yourself that we might use in social media.


If you’d like your voice to be included, use one of the two methods described below.

We may share what you send us on WTJU Radio in October & November, as well as our web and social media platforms.

Method 2 (Voicemail):

Call (434) 260-3560‬. Leave a voicemail using the prompt questions listed above.